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姓    名:王 磊     副教授     












目前已出版专著4部,其中中文专著2部,英文专著节选2部;在国内外著名期刊如《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》,《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》,《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》,《Structural Control and Health Monitoring》,《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》,《Journal of Sound and Vibration》等发表和录用论文100余篇,其中一作/通讯SCI论文收录65篇,SCI他引1200余次,5篇先后入选ESI高被引(包括一篇ESI热点论文),英文综述论文1篇,受权发明专利30项,获得软件著作权8项。研究成果得到了同行的普遍认可,2022年荣获**技术发明三等奖1项。



[1]International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV)会员(2022)




[5]International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO)会员(2019)




[1]SCI Q1区MECHANICS和ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY领域著名期刊《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》编委(2022)

[2]SCI Q2区ENGINEERING, CIVIL领域期刊《Structures》Associate Editor(2022)


[4]SCI MECHANICS和ACOUSTICS领域期刊《International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration》Associate Editor(2022)


[6]SCI MECHANICS和ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL领域期刊《Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies》Associate Editor(2021)

[7]国际机械工程领域期刊《Journal of Modern Industry and Manufacturing》编委(2021)













[1]王晓军,王磊,李云龙,邱志平.飞行器复合材料结构非概率可靠性优化设计.北京:科学出版社, 2020年10月.

[2]王晓军,王磊,邱志平.结构可靠性分析与优化设计的非概率集合理论.北京:科学出版社, 2016年3月. (ISBN 978-7-03-047167-3)


[1]Wang L, Liu Y R, Xu H Y. Review: Recent Developments in the Dynamic Load Identification for Aerospace Vehicles Considering Multi-source Uncertainties.Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2021, 38(2): 271-287.


[1]Wang L, Li Z S, Gu K X. An Interval-oriented Dynamic Robust Topology Optimization (DRTO) Approach for Continuum Structures Based on the Parametric Level-set Method (PLSM) and the Equivalent Static Loads Method (ESLM).Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022. (SCI)

[2]Wang L, Li Z S, Ni B W, Wang X J, Chen W P. A Robust Topology Optimization Method Considering Bounded Field Parameters with Uncertainties Based on the Variable Time Step Parametric Level-Set Method.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 107: 441-463. (SCI, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2022.03.008)

[3]Wang L, Zhao X Y, Liu D L. Size-Controlled Cross-Scale Robust Topology Optimization Based on Adaptive Subinterval Dimension-Wise Method Considering Interval Uncertainties.Engineering with Computers,2022. (SCI,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-022-01615-8)

[4]Wang L, Liu Y R, Wang X J, Qiu Z P. Convexity-oriented Reliability-based Topology Optimization (CRBTO) in the Time Domain Using the Equivalent Static Loads Method.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022, 123: 107490. (SCI)

[5]Wang L, Liu Y R, Li M. Time-dependent Reliability-based Optimization for Structural-topological Configuration Design under Convex-bounded Uncertain Modeling.Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 221: 108361. (SCI)

[6]Wang L, Zhao X Y, Wu Z M, Chen W P. Evidence Theory-based Reliability Optimization for Cross-scale Topological Structures with Global Stress, Local Displacement and Micro Manufacturing Constraints.Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022, 65(1): 23. (2022.1.1 WOS: 000735433800002)

[7]Wang L, Liu Y R, Liu D L, Wu Z M. A Novel Dynamic Reliability-based Topology Optimization (DRBTO) Framework for Continuum Structures via Interval-process Collocation and the First-passage Theories.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 386: 114107. (2021.12.1, WOS:000702661100001)

[8]Wang L, Li Z S, Ni B W, Gu K X. Non-probabilistic Reliability-based Topology Optimization (NRBTO) Scheme for Continuum Structures Based on the Parameterized Level-Set method and Interval Mathematics.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 373: 113477. (2021.1.1, WOS:000600287600004)

[9]Wang L, Liu J X, Yang C, Wu D. A Novel Interval Dynamic Reliability Computation Approach for the Risk Evaluation of Vibration Active Control Systems based on PID Controllers.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 92: 422-446. (2021.4.1, WOS:000617138700008)

[10]Wang L, Zhao X Y, Liu D L, Chen X. Uncertainty-oriented Double-scale Topology Optimization with Macroreliability Limitation and Microfanufacturing Control.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2021, 122(9): 2254-2286. (2021.5.15, WOS:000611794700001)

[11]Wang L, Liu Y R, Gu K X, Wu T. A Radial Basis Function Artificial Neural Network (RBF ANN) Based Method for Uncertain Distributed Force Reconstruction Considering Signal Noises and Material Dispersion.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 364: 112954. (2020.6.1,WOS:000527574600014)

[12]Wang L, Liu J X, Li Y L. The Optimal Controller Design Framework for PID-based Vibration Active Control Systems via Non-probabilistic Time-dependent Reliability measure.ISA Transactions, 2020, 105: 129-145. (2020.10.1,WOS:000579489500011)

[13]Wang L, Liu Y R. A Novel Method of Distributed Dynamic Load Identification for Aircraft Structure Considering Multi-source Uncertainties.Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020, 61: 1929-1952. (2020.10.1,WOS:000515700400002)

[14]Wang L, Xiong C, Shi Q H. An Adaptive Collocation Method for Structural Fuzzy Uncertainty Analysis.Engineering Computations, 2020, 37(9): 2983-2998. (2020.10.27, WOS:000529547900001)

[15]Wang L, Wang X J, Li Y L, Hu J X. A Non-probabilistic Time-variant Reliable Control Method for Structural Vibration Suppression Problems with Interval Uncertainties.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 115: 301-322. (2019.1.15,WOS:000447085500020)

[16]Wang L, Xia H J, Zhang X Y, Lv Z. Non-probabilistic Reliability-based Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures Considering Local Stiffness and Strength Failure.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 346: 788-809. (2019.4.1,WOS:000456713400035)

[17]Wang L, Liu D L, Yang Y W, Hu J X. Novel Methodology of Non-probabilistic Reliability-based Topology Optimization (NRBTO) for Multi-material Layout Design via Interval and Convex Mixed Uncertainties.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 346: 550-573. (2019.4.1,WOS:000456713400025)

[18]Wang L, Liu Y R, Liu Y S. An Inverse Method for Distributed Dynamic Load Identification of Structures with Interval Uncertainties.Advances in Engineering Software, 2019, 131: 77-89. (2019.5.1,WOS:000462766100007)

[19]Wang L, Xiong C, Wang X J, Liu G H, Shi Q H. Sequential Optimization and Fuzzy Reliability Analysis for Multidisciplinary Systems.Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 60(3): 1079-1095. (2019.9.1,WOS:000480601400013)

[20]Wang L, Liang J X, Zhang Z X, Yang Y W. Nonprobabilistic Reliability Oriented Topological Optimization for Multi-material Heat Transfer Structures with Interval Uncertainties.Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 59(5): 1599-1620. (2019.5.1, WOS:000464743400012)

[21]Wang L, Xiong C. A Novel Methodology of Sequential Optimization and Non-probabilistic Time-dependent Reliability Analysis for Multidisciplinary Systems.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 94: 105389. (2019.11.1,WOS:000494053900025)

[22]Wang L, Ren Q, Ma Y J, Wu D. Optimal Maintenance Design-oriented Nonprobabilistic Reliability Methodology for Existing Structures under Static and Dynamic Mixed Uncertainties.IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2019, 68(2): 496-513. (2019.6.1, WOS:000470826100008)

[23]Wang L, Liang J X, Chen W P, Qiu Z P. A Nonprobabilistic Reliability-based Topology Optimization Method of Compliant Mechanisms with Interval Uncertainties.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019, 119(13): 1419-1438. (2019.9.28,WOS:000482443300005)

[24]Wang L, Liang J X, Liu D L, Chen W P. A Novel Reliability-based Topology Optimization Framework for the Concurrent Design of Solid and Truss-like Material Structures with Unknown-but-bounded Uncertainties.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019, 119(4): 239-260. (2019.7.27,WOS:000471927200001)

[25]Liu Y R,Wang L#, Li M, Wu Z M. A Distributed Dynamic Load Identification Method Based on the Hierarchical-Clustering-Oriented Radial Basis Function Framework Using Acceleration Signals under Convex-Fuzzy Hybrid Uncertainties.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 172: 108935. (SCI, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.108935)

[26]Liu Y R,Wang L#, Gu K X, Li Min. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) - Bayesian Probability Framework (BPF) Based Method of Dynamic Force Reconstruction under Multi-source Uncertainties.Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 237: 107796. (SCI, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107796)

[27]Liu Y R,Wang L#, Li M. Kalman Filter (KF)-Random Forest (RF) Based Method of Dynamic Load Identification for Structures with Interval Uncertainties.Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2022, e2935. (SCI,2022.2.11, WOS: 000751376700001)

[28]Liu Y R,Wang L#, Gu K X. A Support Vector Regression (SVR)-Based Method for Dynamic Load Identification Using Heterogeneous Responses under Interval Uncertainties.Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 110: 107599. (2021.10.1, WOS:000711952900014)

[29]Liu Y R,Wang L#, Qiu Z P, Chen X. A Dynamic Force Reconstruction Method based on Modified Kalman Filter Using Acceleration Responses under Multi-source Uncertain Samples.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 159: 107761. (2021.10.1, WOS:000646945000009)

[30]Xiong C,Wang L#, Liu G H, Shi Q H. An Iterative Dimension-by-dimension Method for Structural Interval Response Prediction with Multidimensional Uncertain Variables.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 86: 572-581. (2019.3.1,WOS:000463305200046)


Tel: 13466660129(微信同号);010-82317867

Email:leiwang_beijing@buaa.edu.cn; ntucee.wanglei@gmail.com




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